The Microsoft Authenticator doesn’t have an option to export the TOTP secret. We have to help ourselves.

🚧 Requirements

  • Android Studio or rooted device
  • sqite3
  • adb
  • Microsoft account with activated TOTP authentication

⚙️ Setting up

↩️ You can skip the settings section if you have a rooted device.

  1. In android studio create a new virtual device with the Google API image. You can follow the official docs.

system image

⚠️ Increasing the internal storage (a few GB) is recommended during the creation of a new virtual device to prevent an issue with full device storage.

advanced settings

  1. Launch the newly created virtual device and install the Microsoft Authenticator app via the Aurora Store app.

Aurora Store

  1. Log in to your Microsoft account via the Microsoft Authenticator.

Microsoft Authenticator

📤 Exporting database

  1. Change working directory to /tmp.
$ cd /tmp
  1. Restart adbd with root permissions.
$ adb root
restarting adbd as root
  1. Copy the internal database of Microsoft Authenticator from the virtual device to your computer.
$ adb pull /data/data/
$ adb pull /data/data/
$ adb pull /data/data/

📖 Reading TOTP secret

$ sqlite3 PhoneFactor                                                                          
SQLite version 3.39.2 2022-06-25 00:00:00
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select username, oath_secret_key from accounts;|t0tps3cr3tsha1d1g1ts6int3rv4al30

💰 Bonus

There are several other ways to get TOTP secret from a Microsoft account:

  • Recreate the “Authenticator app” sign-in method via Microsoft account settings. Instead of scanning the QR code with the Microsoft Authenticator app, you can use a different app that supports the export of the TOTP secret.
  • Export database with a custom recovery such as the TWRP.
  • Import the Microsoft Authenticator database via Aegis Authenticator (root access required).
  • and more…